Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pleasure "reading"- Godspell

Last night I went to New Philadelphia high school's production of "Godspell". It basically was a musical about the book of Matthew in the Bible. It took place in a dump and Jesus taught the people living there the parables and stories from the Bible. I thought it was amazing. They told the stories in funny, inventive ways. Going to it, I thought that it was going to be a spoof on the Bible and possibly make fun of it a little bit. This wasn't really the case. The musical taught main points from the Bible and even had a very religious ending. Being religious myself, this did not bother me, but knowing how much schools fight against anything religious I was extremely surprised that it was allowed to be done. In the end, they actually had Jesus saying goodbye to all the people he had spent time with and he was "crucified" during which he sang this horribly sad song. It was extremely emotional. There were tons of people crying in the audience and afterward the cast started singing a song saying over and over "Long Live God." I would love to find out the school's opinions on doing this musical. It just seemed very religious for a school. However, it was extremely good and the acting was great!

Here is a video from a college that did this scene in a similar fashion to the high school that I went to:

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