Thursday, December 16, 2010

Final Reflection

When signing up for a class that is longer than the usual hour and 15 minutes, I am never very excited. My attention span doesn't last longer than that and the only ones I have ever taken have been the most boring classes. This class was entirely different. I was surprised when I actually wasn't minding the length all that much and was staying engaged the entire time. Everything we learned was so relevant to our careers that is was actually exciting to be in class. I loved how we got to use teaching strategies in our learning process so we could see how a teacher uses them and also from a student stand point. I found so many of them that I can't wait to use in a classroom. I also learned about a lot of young adult books and authors that I had not known about before. This is good because I need to be reading a lot of them so I can suggest them to my students when I am a teacher.

Another thing I loved about the class was the textbook! This is a very weird statement because I have NEVER loved a textbook. I have always dreaded them and put them back up for sale as soon as I was done with them. Not this one. I actually really enjoyed Beers' book. I loved how the beginning and end of every chapter started with a letter to George. I found it really touching and a good insight into the mind of a struggling reader. All of the material in the book was very practical information that I can see using in my classroom, and it was written in a way that wasn't boring and dry like most textbooks. It is one that is going to stay on my bookshelf for quite some time.

All in all, thank you for a wonderful class. The information that I learned will be so valuable to me in the field. I hope that more of my classes in the future can be as good as this class was.

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