Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter 14: Finding the Right Book

When I read a Ya novel (which I do most of the time I am reading), I am constantly thinking to myself, "Wow, all young adults would love this book!" After reading this chapter, I was shocked to see how very wrong I was. There is so much thought that has to go into suggesting a book for a student, because we can't just tell them what we like and expect them to like it too.

This chapter was really nice because it went through the different genres of YA novels and specifically said what most reluctant readers are looking for. I think this is really important to know, as well as knowing you students individually, when suggesting a book. I also really like the suggestions of how to sell books to our students. I am really excited to have my own classroom where I can give book talks to my students and take them to the library. After reading this chapter, I feel much more prepared to recommend books to young adults.


  1. I liked how you touched on teens might not like certain books, and just because we like them doesn't mean they will. I feel that it is one of the key things many teachers misunderstand. Some teachers assume that because they are passionate about one book means everyone is when in reality that might not be the case.

  2. Good points. Finding the right books for students is important and often difficult... it requires us to know our students and the field of YA literature. But it is such a great feeling when you can "hook" a student.
