Friday, January 28, 2011

Foot- The Battle for Facebook

I need to start this post out admitting that I was sitting on my couch reading this article while simultaneously checking my Facebook. I caught myself doing this and I thought, "Wow, I am supporting this jerk by doing this." Then I realized that I didn't care because I am literally addicted to Facebook and that is what makes Mark Zuckerberg a very rich man--the millions of people that are addicted.

As I read this, I was literally getting frustrated. I couldn't believe how mean Zuckerberg was through this whole thing. It's the same way I felt about Microsoft when I read the "History of the Internet." Power and riches have really gone to these peoples' heads. Zuckerberg is extremely full of himself. I laughed to myself when I read that his business card says "I'm CEO...b****." Really Mark?

All of this controversy really got me thinking about Facebook and what it has become. I wonder if he hadn't of "stolen" the ideas of others and the Harvard Connection took off instead, would we have the Facebook that we have today? Would it have grown to the social networking site that we all know and love? I also got to thinking about the constant battle that seems to be surrounding Facebook. What would happen if someone successfully took Zukerberg to court? Would Facebook be gone? And if not, who would take it over?

All in all, this article really interested me and made me want to watch the Social Network to learn more about the whole story behind Facebook.


  1. I felt the same way about this article. I couldn't believe that a site that I use so much was created by such a jerk! It'll be interesting to see how the court cases turn out...

  2. At first I thought "wow what a jerk.." but then when they related it to Microsoft it made more sense. It was a good idea and became popular, of course others are going to claim it as their own. I don't think he stole their idea. I think he had his own, he might have just added a few extra things he hadn't thought of until they asked him to write code for them. I think what he did was what anyone would do in his situation...
